Friday, March 18, 2011

Bad Coyote!

The coyotes have returned to the neighborhood.  I haven't checked on the bunny rabbits but I fear the return of the coyotes doesn't bode well for them.  Still and all I am rather in awe of the coyotes; they are so familiar in their doglike way, yet so wild.  So when I was walking the dogs in the early morning, Margaret Stewart was walking Cinnamon.  Our dogs, of course, galloped over to her and begged a dog biscuit.  Cole and Yazzie were still chomping on the biscuit when a coyote silently loped by.  I was mesmerized by the coyote and not paying attention when Margaret's friend said, "Kelly watch Margaret!  Catch Margaret!!"  Margaret had Cinnamon's leash looped around her wrist and he was hell bent on chasing the coyote even if it meant taking Margaret with him.   Well, I didn't catch Margaret, she fell onto the blacktop and Cinnamon ran off.  We asked Margaret if she were okay and she replied, "No."  Luckily, this all happened in front of Posey Nash's house and of course Posey, who is aware of everything despite the early hour, came out and called 911 while the dogs and I went to retrieve the wayward Cinnamon who was now a half mile away and had been joined by a second coyote.  By this time, Cinnamon had bored of his new friends and came back easily with us, and was happy to meet and greet the EMT's who had bandaged Margaret's hand, taken her vitals and deemed that her friend could take her to the hospital.  Margaret wrote me an email a couple of days later letting me know that nothing was broken, but she did have to have a skin graft to repair her damaged hand and she said that she can't wash dishes which she considered to be not a bad thing.

Cole and Yazzie miss seeing Cinnamon (and Margaret's biscuits) on their walks and so they sent Cinnamon this card: